Cichlids are an incredibly diverse group of fish, with more than 1,300 species comprising the family, Cichlidae. Cichlids originate from North and South America, mainland Africa, Madagascar and southern Asia, although the majority of species of cichlid can be found originating in Africa, mainly in the major African lakes such as Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, and Lake Malawi. Many of the cichlid species are popular within aquariums, due to their colorful and interesting displays, their adaptability and generally hardy nature. Cichlids can range considerably in size, although the majority are between two and six inches in length and up to 36", many species of cichlid can be territorial and aggressive. Cichlids are predominantly freshwater fish, with some of the species such as the Mayan Cichlid, being able to tolerate slight salinity, such as when living close to estuaries or mangroves. They exhibit a variety of color patterns and have a very interesting range of behavior, making them appealing to many aquarists. With the correct husbandry and an appropriate habitat, cichlids make very rewarding aquarium pets.